To use Liquid Feedback you have to follow these simple steps, which have to be done as the postgres system user (or which ever is the database superuser): $ createuser -d apache $ psql postgres=# ALTER USER apache WITH PASSWORD 'the_new_password'; $ createdb -U apache liquid_feedback $ psql -U apache liquid_feedback \i /usr/share/liquid_feedback_core/core.sql \i /usr/share/liquid_feedback_core/geoindex_install.sql INSERT INTO system_setting (member_ttl) VALUES ('1 year'); INSERT INTO contingent (polling, time_frame, text_entry_limit, initiative_limit) VALUES (false, '1 hour', 20, 6); INSERT INTO contingent (polling, time_frame, text_entry_limit, initiative_limit) VALUES (false, '1 day', 80, 12); INSERT INTO contingent (polling, time_frame, text_entry_limit, initiative_limit) VALUES (true, '1 hour', 200, 60); INSERT INTO contingent (polling, time_frame, text_entry_limit, initiative_limit) VALUES (true, '1 day', 800, 120); and Create an invite code for an admin user: $ psql -U liquid_feedback liquid_feedback liquid_feedback=# INSERT INTO member (invite_code, admin) VALUES ('sesam', true); Then you can start the periodic task of liquid_feedback_core by running /etc/init.d/liquid_feedback_core restart and eventually adding this to the default level rc-update add liquid_feedback_core For other info look at the README file